Our Services

Music, Sound and Voice.

AI can also be used to develop fantastic music, songs and text to speech. We can produce natural sounding audio and speech. Bespoke music can be made for adverts, social media, TV or Film at a fraction of the cost and time of traditional musicians or Digital Music. From Speech to document and article readers you can choose the style, cantor, language or even accent in many cases of your choice. We can create natural tutorials, Voice assistants and voice alerts.

Real time translation

Examples would include.

  • Audio book production.

  • Podcasting, performing and editing.

  • Article readers for news or training purposes.

  • Voiceover commercials.

  • Educational Materials.

  • Narration in different languages and with different accents.

  • Instructional videos for Youtube.

  • Voice Assistant chat-bots or vocal notifications.

  • We can voice adverts in famous voices.

  • We can also clean up and alter existing audio files.

  • check out our social media channels for some great demos.

“AI is revolutionising the way we interact and create sound and music.”

— Open AI Playground